Thursday, April 14, 2022

Throwback Thursday: Parkschooling

Starting out the day with an adventure stimulates little brains for structured learning, expends energy (especially the baby's🙌), and makes us all happy. This was 5 years and 1 more wonderful kid ago. I was taking baby steps towards outdoor schooling with that little circus... In addition to scootering and exploring, we enjoyed a brief "Little Britches" read aloud 📚, and some sketching. Elli enjoyed our "Down By the Bay" song book...being that we were down by the bay indeed...little does she know she was working on reading skills as we played with the rhymes and made up our own super silly ones. Looking back, I guess that top-heavy three year old was benefiting too, as he would be the one to teach himself to read ahead of [my] schedule. Thankful for the sweet British lady who offered to take a photo. #readaloudrevival